Opening hours: Holidays

Dear friends of Spojka Karlín,
the Christmas holidays are approaching and we want to thank you for your support throughout the year. We greatly appreciate your goodwill and are grateful for all your feedback that keeps us moving forward and contributes to even better food and a great atmosphere.
On behalf of the entire team at Spojka, we wish you a wonderful and peaceful Christmas and a happy start to the New Year. And since we know how important the holidays associated with unforgettable moments are for you, we invite you to the first New Year’s Eve celebration right here at Spojka Karlin!
December 23-26: Completely closed (so we can spend time with our loved ones)
December 27 – January 1: Open from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.
December 31: 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m. (depending on entertainment)
From January 2: Normal opening hours
We would be happy to welcome you to visit us during the holidays. We look forward to seeing you and wish you, your families, and your friends a joyous Christmas season and a Happy New Year!
With love,
Spojky Karlín team